Results from Experiment 0: TMAX Time Series
Time series of precipitation are computed as the grid point average of monthly
accumulation. The number of grid points within each region is determined by
the map projection and the land-sea mask. Grid points over water are not
included in the grid point average. The land-sea mask is generated for
each model by using the land-sea mask of the CRU dataset. For each model
grid point, the nearest CRU grid point is found and the surface type (land
or water) of the CRU grid point is assigned to the model grid point.
Experiment 0.0 |
Experiment 0.1 |
Subarctic 60-70N, 135-95W |
Northeast 40-50N, 85-70W |
Northwest 38-55N, 122.5-115W |
Southwest 20-35N, 115-110W |
North Plains 40-55N, 102.5-90W |
South Plains 30-40N, 102.5-90W |
Southeast 32.5-40N, 90-80W |
Canadian Maritime 42.5-55N, 70-50W |
Canadian Prairie 42.5-55N, 120-100W |