The following graphs show diurnal averages of both observations and model output of sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and relative humidity for JAS 2001 at Bondville (GAPP domain).

Composite Graph for all Datasets
Heat Flux
Heat Flux
Bondville Observations (hourly)
Bondville Observations (3-hourly)
Bondville Observations (6-hourly)
Bondville Ensemble Minus Obs
Bondville RegCM3
Bondville RegCM3 Minus Obs
Bondville RSM
Bondville RSM Minus Obs
Bondville Gem-Lam
Bondville Gem-Lam Minus Obs
Bondville RCA3
Bondville RCA3 Minus Obs      
Bondville CLM
Bondville CLM Minus Obs
Bondville GLDAS