The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) is a program to create regional climate simulations for the study of impacts of climate change for North America. The program is under overall direction of Linda Mearns of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and has a science team that includes Ray Arritt; Iowa State, George Boer, CCCma; Daniel Caya, OURANOS; Phil Duffy, LLNL; Filippo Giorgi, Abdus Salam ICTP; William Gutowski, Iowa State; Isaac Held, GFDL; Richard Jones, Hadley Centre; Rene Laprise, UQAM; Ruby Leung, PNNL; Jeremy Pal, ICTP; John Roads, Scripps; Lisa Sloan, UC Santa Cruz; Ron Stouffer, GFDL; Gene Takle, Iowa State; Warren Washington, NCAR. The CEC Workshop presentation of Dr. Mearns provides a more extensive overview.
The project contributes to the goals of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP, 2003), particularly Objective 1.6, "Accelerate the development of scientifically based predictive models to provide regional and fine-scale climate and climate impacts information relevant for scientific research and decision support applications."